S’Orchestra in Limba – The Series

Sardinia and the phonetic differences of its language in a journey among people, villages, legends, tales and memories.


The documentary highlights the phonetic diversities among Sardinian dialects and minority languages spoken in the island. In every village of Sardinia the melody of the way of speaking changes, the accents are different, the words vary. The villagers tell us more about Sardinia culture, traditions and legends, making the fascination of oral tradition more powerful. They are inspired by a game of images, that give them the freedom to improviseā€¦Have a good trip!


Sardinia Film Festival 2015 BEST ITALIAN DOCUMENTARY,
Babel Film Festival 2015 – AAMOD AWARD Best Documentary given from the Audiovisual Archive of the Workers’ Movement of Rome
Screening during Locarno Film Festival 2016 – collateral event organized by The Parders



SĀ“Orchestra in Limba, aims to highlight the phonetic variations of the Sardinian language and minority languages present in Sardinia. The characters tell us about their culture, legends, myths and traditions, confirming the fascinating power of oral tradition in Sardinian.
It offers us an extraordinary journey through the linguistic complexity of Sardinia. The attached DVD, lasting over eighty minutes, contains seven episodes where the many people interviewed, put at ease by director Monica Dovarch, talk and tell about them and the world around them.
In the book we find the complete transcriptions of the interviews and a precise linguistic analysis by Simone Pisano that examines the particular phonetic complexity highlighted by the proposed audiovisual material.
The interviews are divided into the following episodes:
[1] Different School of Life
[2] Looking up at the Sky
[3] Carnival
[4] Evil Eye
[5] The boogie Man
[6] The Fright
[7] The Spell

Click here to buy DVD+Book – S’orchestra in Limba, The Series – Condaghes Edition

    Data Sheet

  • Type Series of 7 Episode
  • Genre Anthropology, Linguistic, Educational
  • Duration total 83 min
  • Language Only Sardinia Language
  • Year 2015
  • Subtitles DVD with Italian and English
  • Book Italian and Sardinian language

S’Orchestra in Limba